Leading platform teams trust Firefly

Cloud complexity is on the rise. It’s time to take back control

Tedious manual tasks

Manual processes, inconsistent deployments, and lack of self-service infrastructure create delays and distract teams from innovation.

Lack of visibility

Incomplete visibility and fragmentation across complex multi-cloud environments leads to friction, inefficiency, and excessive costs.

Vulnerable infrastructure 

Service failures, security gaps, and lack of end-to-end governance expose businesses to downtime, instability, and compliance issues.

Uncomplicate your cloud

Firefly simplifies cloud infrastructure management in just three steps



Streamline IaC orchestration and automate provisioning for faster, more reliable deployments across your infrastructure. Transform unmanaged cloud assets into codified, version-controlled resources with built-in guardrails to simplify IaC adoption, enhance consistency, and catch misconfigurations early. Empower teams with self-service infrastructure, accelerating delivery and reducing bottlenecks.
A drift alert showing an asset with a disparity between the running and desired configuration
A list of cloud assets showing their IaC status and owner


Achieve complete cloud visibility with a continuous inventory of assets across multi-cloud, Kubernetes, and SaaS environments. Understand the status of your infrastructure by identifying codified, unmanaged, drifted, and ghosted resources, even as new assets are created. Maintain control and consistency by quickly remediating drift and ensuring your infrastructure aligns with best practices.


Reduce the risk of service failures and instability by adopting industry best practices and implementing AI-powered Policy-as-Code for cost, compliance, and security optimization. Instantly identify cloud changes and resolve drifts with AI-driven remediation, while ensuring robust disaster recovery to safeguard your infrastructure.
A drift alert showing an asset with a disparity between the running and desired configuration

Your AI agent for CloudOps

Automated code remediation

AI-driven remediation to instantly detect and fix infrastructure drifts and misconfigurations, ensuring compliance without manual intervention. By seamlessly integrating intelligent code updates into IaC git repositories, you can proactively maintain optimal cloud performance and security.

Your AI cloud intelligence partner

Ask plain language questions about your infrastructure and receive instant, context-aware responses tailored to your unique multi-cloud footprint. By offering proactive issue detection, AI-driven cost and security recommendations, and adaptive learning for customized reports, get custom cloud insights faster than ever.

Firefly by the numbers

assets managed
total drifts detected
policy violations detected
drift costs detected annually
cloud waste detected annually

Why DevOps and Platform teams love Firefly

Aqua Security

Costly cloud waste eliminated

Aqua Security easily identified and disabled costly third-party monitors that were deployed but not connected to any configuration.


Immediate time savings

Appsflyer saved 310+ engineering hours by automatically codifying 2,350 resources into Terraform IaC.

“We copied and pasted our way to $180,000 in annual savings. [For those savings alone] to pay for Firefly would be huge. But to pay for it three times over is phenomenal.”

—Paul Hohberg, AWS Engineer at Comtech

“We knew [our cloud infrastructure] was bad, but didn't know the full extent. Without Firefly, we could not have gained this level of visibility or control anywhere else.”

—Brian Andersen, Manager of Production Operations

“With the time saved by Firefly, our engineers can solve the difficult and complex problems they were hired to solve instead of spending their time on manual tasks...”

—David Mohar, Platform Technical Owner

“We have begun transitioning to Terraform with Firefly. This shift to infrastructure-as-code has made us feel more productive and engaged, empowering us to accomplish more.”

—Rafael Demenech, DevOps Engineer

“We were constantly trying to detect misconfigurations... this required us to invest a large portion of our time. We wanted to find a tool that will enable us to do so and invest our time in other priorities instead”

—Eliran Bivas, Cloud Native Horizontal Leader

“Firefly is an essential DevOps tool... setup was done in minutes, providing quick insights about cost, optimizations, and inventory management.”

—Nokky G. via G2